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Хело! Помогите описать языки. Unit 2. Homework № 10. ГДЗ Английский язык Enjoy English 7 класс Биболетова.

Look through the language characteristics given in ex. 25 on page 39. Write down what is typical of a) English, b) Russian, c) your mother tongue.
Example: My mother tongue has short words, but its grammar isn’t simple.


Прочитайте характеристики языка в ynp. 25 на cmp. 39. Напишите, что характерно для
а)   английского языка; b) русского языка; с) для вашего родного языка.
a)     The English language has rather simple grammar and rather short words. There are a lot of international words in English. But the pronunciation, reading and the transcription is rather difficult in English because there is no fixed word stress in English.
b)     Grammar is very difficult in Russian. There are a lot of rules and different cases that don’t follow the rules. There is also no fixed word stress that is why reading is also difficult in the Russian language.

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