Интересные вопросы

Хело! Нужно выбрать слово! Модуль (Module) 4f № 4. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 9 класс Ваулина.

Choose the correct word, then make sentences using the other words.
1      Thomas Edison invented/discovered the light bulb.
2      We did an interesting research/experiment in our Chemistry class yesterday.
3       Do you have an electric/electronic oven?
4      There is something wrong with the engine/machine of my car.
5      Can I access/download the Internet from this computer?
6      Digital cameras have dropped in price, which has positively effected/affected sales.
7      Nowdays, more companies only offer/suggest work to people with computer skills.


Выберите правильное слово. Затем составьте свои предложения.
1)   invented;
2)    experiment;
3)    electric;
4)    engine;
5)    access;
6)    affected;
7)    offer.

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