Интересные вопросы

Хело! Какой правильный ответ? Модуль (Module) 6d № 2. ГДЗ Английский язык Spotlight 10 класс Афанасьева.

Listen and read the text on pp. 108-109. Choose the correct answer
(А, В, C or D) for questions 1-5.
1    Each mealtime, the boys ...
A were happy to get one spoonful of gruel.
В had to wash their bowls and spoons.
C wanted to eat more.
D got tired of cleaning their fingers of food.
2    The tall boy whose father was a baker...
A got hungrier than the other boys.
В got used to that sort of life.
C was afraid of what his hunger would make him do.
D was afraid at night.
3    Before they could eat, the boys had to ...
A give their bowls to the master.
В take their chairs to the table.
C serve out the food.
D say a prayer of thanks.
4    The boys decided that Oliver would be the
one to...
A nudge the master.
В serve the gruel.
C ask for another serving.
D walk along the table.
5    When Oliver asked for more, the master...
A was shocked.
В lost his voice.
C became paralysed.
D turned white with fear.


Прослушай и прочитай текст на страницах 108-109. Выбери правильный ответ (А, В или С) для вопросов 1-5.
1  C
2  С
3  D
4   С
5  А

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