Интересные вопросы

ГДЗ.Английский язык.4 класс.Верещагина.Round-up Lessons - курс повторения.Lesson 4.Еда: времена года, семья.Семья:Задание 9.

Помогите составить диалог:
Read the dialogues, make up your own and act them out.
Billy: Do you have any sweets?
Shop assistant: Sorry, I don’t. I have some biscuits and
cakes. Would you like some?
Billy: Yes, please. Could I have this cake?
Shop assistant: Of course. Anything else?
Billy: No, that’s all, thanks.
Mother: I’d like to cook some salad for supper. Ann, could
you have a look and see if there are any vegetables
in the fridge?
Ann:      Yes, we’ve got some but not many and there are no
Mother: That’s a pity. Is there any salt, dear?
Ann:      Yes, lots.
Mother: Will you go to the shops and buy potatoes, carrots and
tomatoes? I can’t make salad without them.
Ann:      OK, Mum. I will go. Where is the money?
Mother: Here it is, dear.


Можно так:
            Прочти диалоги. Составь свой и проиграй его по ролям.
-        Have you got any potatoes?
-        I’ve got some, but not many. There is only one kilo left.
-        Oh, that’s a pity. Have you got any tomatoes?
-        I’m sorry, I haven’t got any. But I’ve got a lot of fruit and juice.
-        Could I have those two apples?
-        Of course. Anything else?
-        No, that is all. In fact, I haven’t got much money at the moment.

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ГДЗ.Английский язык.4 класс.Верещагина.Round-up Lessons - курс повторения.Lesson 2.Одежда: времена года, погода, цветаЗадание 6.

Как выполнить ?
Read the text and find in it how we choose the right dress. Read these sentences aloud.

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Example: I am fond of both fruit and vegetables. (Подробнее...)

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Решите задачу:
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Можете подсказать какие здесь будут правильные слова?
Choose the correct word. Check in the Word List. Then make a sentence with (Подробнее...)

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