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ГДЗ.Английский язык.4 класс.Верещагина.Round-up Lessons - курс повторения.Lesson 1.Задание 7.

Что нужно сделать ?
Read and find out what Misha and Kate think of winter.
Misha: Winter is my favourite season. I like it very much because it’s so beautiful in winter. The sun is so bright. The streets and houses,3 the trees are white and the snow looks so beautiful in the sun.
You can ski, skate and sledge a lot. We usually play snowballs and make snowmen in winter. We play a lot in the forest and have winter holidays too.
We celebrate Christmas in December and New Year in January. Santa Claus (we call him Father Frost) gives us presents.
Kate: I dislike1 winter. I can’t ski or skate
and I am always cold in winter. The days are
short and the nights are long. It is dark at
5 o’clock in the evening and my mother asks
me to come home early. So I am always at
home in the evening. You know, I like different
colours: yellow, red, green, brown and blue, but
I can only see white this time of the year.
Winter is always white.


     Прочитай и выясни, что Миша и Кейт думают о зиме.
Misha likes winter. It is his favourite season. He thinks that it’s so beauti-
ful in winter. The sun is bright; the streets, houses, trees and other plants
are white, the snow shines in the sun. He can play a lot. He can have win-
ter holidays. He celebrates Christmas and New Year. Donald gets pre-
sents from Santa Claus.
Kate dislikes winter. She is always cold in winter. She is always at home
in the evening, because the days are short and the nights are long Kale
likes different colours, but winter is always white.
Дональд любит зиму. Это его любимое время года. Он считает, что
зимой так красиво. Солнце светит ярко. Улицы, дома, деревья и дру-
гие растения - белые, снег сверкает на солнце. Он может много иг-
рать. У него могут быть зимние каникулы. Он празднует Рождест-
во и Новый год. Дональд получает подарки от Санта-Клауса.
Кейт не любит зиму. Она всегда мерзнет зимой. По вечерам она все-
гда дома, потому что дни короткие, а ночи длинные. Кейт любит
разные цвета, а зима всегда белая.

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