Denis is a talented hoy. Look at the picture where he has drawn his life. Complete
the sentences about him, using the verbs in the right forms. See Ex. 13, pages 12-13.

1 By the time Denis went to school, his mother ... (teach) him to read and count.
2 At the age of four, Denis ... (read) “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’.’
3 Now Denis is only twelve but he ... (pass) his school-leaving exams (выпускные экзамены)
in maths, physics and history.
4 He ...(study) English since he was six, but it still needs improving.
5 Denis believes that he ... (enter) university at the age of 14.
6 Denis boasts (хвастается) that he ... (learn) at least five languages by the lime he is 20.