Интересные вопросы

46. Answer the questions. 1. Why were the waterfalls called Niagara? Английский Enjoy English 6 класс Биболетова М. З. Модуль1 Раздел 3

Answer the questions.
1. Why were the waterfalls called Niagara?
2. What makes Niagara Falls attractive and
3.        What can we see on the Curonian Spit?
4.        What is the Curonian Spit famous for?
5.        Why are the Cliffs of Dover white?
6. Why are the White Cliffs of Dover a
symbol of Great Britain?
7.        What is the Great Barrier Reef like?
8. Why do hundreds of tourists come to the
Great Barrier Reef?


46. Ответь на вопросы.
1.      The native people called it Niagara which means “Great Thunderer of Waters”.
2.      The great quantity of water makes the waterfalls attractive and exciting.
3.      We can see the fantastic combination of forests, beach and desert.
4.      It is famous for being home for millions of birds which fly over the Curonian Spit during their spring and autumn migration.
5.      They are made of chalk.
6.      The white line of cliffs is the first sight of England that travelers can see when they cross English Channel from France.
7.       It consists of corals of different shapes and colours. It looks like an underwater garden.
8.      Tourists come to dive down and explore the fantastic underwater garden.

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