Интересные вопросы

3. Переведите данные предложения в страдательный залог. 8 класс Ваулина Английский в фокусе, Spotlight. Тест 4

Turn the following sentences into the Passive
1       Calvin Klein has designed this dress.
2        They are building a new bridge.
3        My mother will knit a pink sweater for me.
4        Karen sent James an invitation.
5        Where did they park the car?
6        Who wrote the music for Cats?
7        They were painting my flat when I arrived.
8        They had cooked the meal before the lights went
9        Puccini composed many famous operas.
10 They decorated the cake with flowers and
chocolate pearls.


1. This dress was designed by Calvin  Klein.
2.   A new bridge is being built.
3.    A pink sweater will be knitted for me by my mother.
4.   An invitation was sent to James by Karen.
5.   Where was the car parked?
6.   Whom was the music for Cats written by?
7.   My flat was being painted when I  arrived.
8. The meal had been cooked before the lights went off.
9.   Many famous operas were composed by Puccini.
10.      The cake was decorated with flowers and chocolate pearls.

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